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Simple integration of Cubert’s cameras into your application

Block Mixed

SDK capabilities

The Cubert SDK is designed to make it simple to integrate the functionalities for running and processing Cubert’s in-house cameras. The SDK is available for any operating system that supports C and the respective language wrappers. For development of applications using the Cubert cameras, the SDK offers a simple API providing access to control capturing, processing and (live) exporting. The API comes with a generated doxygen documentation for the C library and the respective links from available wrappers.

Available languages

The original API is written in C. Wrappers are available in C++ and Matlab. For projects, it is also possible to have a look into developing SDK wrappers for specific use cases in other languages, such as GNU R.

Every language comes with the same set of simple examples to provide the user with a simple entry point to the SDK.

How it works

The API interacts with available cameras and their installed factory settings to provide calibrated image data to the respective environment. The functionalities for triggering and recording images, without using a graphical user interface or command line execution, ensure a seamless integration into available processes. You can initiate post-processing and exporting the data on demand. The API also enables you to access the data in a customized (quasi-live) view, which further can directly be broadcasted or streamed.


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